Latest News Articles and Videos Featuring Rep. Deb Butler:
Latest News Articles and Videos Featuring Rep. Deb Butler:
Mayor Bill Saffo recognized state Representative Deb Butler for being a tireless advocate for the City this past year. He cited legislation that Butler introduced in the General Assembly, including bills to expand electric vehicle infrastructure, the detection and reporting of PFAS and other industrial waste and ensuring polluters pay for their actions.
Saffo also praised Butler for advocating for the state’s film industry, which just had its most successful year ever, totaling over $400 million in spending statewide. Additionally, Saffo praised Butler for voting against a bill that would have stripped local governments of the ability to regulate short-term rentals.
“It is truly an honor and a privilege to represent this community. The job is not always an easy one but is always one that enriches and builds my spirit. When I walk my community and feel it’s welcoming spirit, I know that I am in the right place doing the work I was intended to do, bringing me such fulfillment,” Butler said.
Butler explains,
"Billions of dollars are coming to remove the toxic forever chemicals that have rained down upon us for over 40 years.”
Representative Deb Butler participated in the discussion and acknowledged the need for change.
“I think that all options are on the table about how we do policing, how we re-imagine public safety, how we allocate resources,” Butler said. “How we prioritize what’s important for us, how we get this just and equitable society that we all long for.”
Rep. Deb Butler selected as member of steering committee for Joe Biden.
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State Rep. Deb Butler says politics should be put aside during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Read full article >>
Frances Weller of WECT News article on Rep Deb Butler being named InStyle's Top 50 Badass Women of 2020
Rep. Deb Butler got the crowd on their feet at Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Rally in Raleigh.
Representative Deb Butler was the featured speaker at a “Now or Never” event in Raleigh, NC on 10/30/19. She is pictured here with electeds and candidates from around the state.
By Frances Weller | October 9, 2019 at 12:30 PM EDT - Updated October 9 at 12:30 PM
WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) - N.C. State Representative Deb Butler has been awarded the 2019 Tammy Baldwin Breakthrough Award—an international award given annually to state or local LGBTQ elected official whose political career pushes to move equality forward for LGBTQ people. Continue reading...
BREAKING:Rep. Deb Butler is the co-winner of the 2019 Tammy Baldwin Breakthrough Award. She shares the honor with Peru's Congressman, Alberto Belaunde.
Victory Institute shared this announcement via Twitter on 10/9/19 at 10:11am.
Thank you to all those who voted (near 30,000 worldwide!).
We Heart: Deb Butler’s “Melt-Up” on the North Carolina House Floor.
9/16/2019 by CARMEN RIOS
North Carolina lawmakers weren’t prepared for battle on September 11—but Rep. Deb Butler, in the face of a sudden and unexpected legislative maneuver from her colleagues, still stood up for democracy. Read more>>
Rep. Deb Butler interviewed on Raleigh's ABC News 11.
Rep. Deb Butler got a shoutout from Senator Elizabeth Warren! #WeWillNotYield.
Keep fighting, @DebButlerHD18. Democracy depends on all of us being willing to speak out. #WeWillNotYield https://t.co/FSl3QfZIXn
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 13, 2019
An exclusive article by Reggie Greer of Victory Institute. Read article >>
Rep Deb Butler in an exclusive interview on 'The Last Word' with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. #WeWillNotYield.
Rep. Deb Butler does not believe it's appropriate to fund unknown Mt. Calvary University, and shouldn’t put leadership training and Christian values together with public dollars.
Representative Deb Butler joint press conference on sensible gun safety legislation.
Watch Representative Butler on July 21, 2019 episode of InFocus with Loretta Bonitti, discussing beach renourishment.
There are no environmental performance goals associated with the multi-year plans or the rate-banding. Rep. Deb Butler, a Democrat from New Hanover County, said other states incorporated such standards into these alternatives. “There are no increases in renewable energy, energy efficiencies or clean ups of environmental contamination,” Butler said. “The bill seems unilateral.”
The state Department of Environmental Quality should require Duke Energy to sample the water at Sutton Lake, and pay for the costs connected to the possible contamination.
The new legislative session convenes next week, and the Cape Fear region has priorities. This is the time municipalities solidify and communicate that agenda to their local delegation.
Listen to Rep. Deborah Butler, along with Sen. Harper Peterson and other area reps on WHQR's Coastline hosted by Vince Winkel
GOP lawmakers are trying to strip a bipartisan panel of its power to write captions for constitutional amendments that will appear on the ballot this fall.
On Monday, March 23, 2017, Representative Deb Butler, NC House District 18, sat down for an exclusive one hour interview with WHQR's Rachel Lewis Hilburn, host of the local news program Coastline. Topics ranged from education, Governor Cooper's budget, immigration, and working with other members of the local delegation in Raleigh.
When asked about teacher pay, Butler responded, "When you know a veteran high school teacher who has to wait tables on Saturday night to make ends meet, that is unconscionable."
The full interview can be heard here:
RALEIGH, NC (AP/WECT) - State Representative Deb Butler joined Democrat colleagues in the General Assembly Thursday in filing a bill calling for a statewide LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance.
The bill would also repeal House Bill 2, also known as the bathroom bill, which requires people to use the bathroom that is lined up with the gender on their birth certificate among other things.
Democrats urged lawmakers to move quickly on the repeal proposal at a news conference Thursday. The proposed bill would extend protected status for housing, employment, credit, insurance, public accommodations and education to the LGBT community. Currently there are discrimination protections for people based on race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sex, marital status, familial status and military or veteran status.
Earlier this week, Butler replaced Susi Hamilton as the State Representative for District 18, parts of New Hanover and parts of Brunswick County after Hamilton resigned to take a position in Governor Cooper's cabinet. Butler is one of two openly gay representatives in Raleigh.
Copyright 2017 WECT. All rights reserved.
Butler Nominated to HOUSE DISTRICT 18.
Keep fighting, @DebButlerHD18. Democracy depends on all of us being willing to speak out. #WeWillNotYield https://t.co/FSl3QfZIXn
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 13, 2019